After nearly two years of showing in the altered classes, today Sawyer finished her Altered Championship with 28 points and 3 majors by taking breed over four specials. What a way to finish!
Rhett is now 13 months and is going to start hitting the ring this year. At the PASA show in Los Banos, CA, he was uncertain about everything at first after not being shown in 6 months, but he grew more confident every time he stepped in the ring. At the fourth and final show of the weekend he presented himself in style and received reserve winners dog!
Sawyer has never had luck at PASA shows in the past, only ever receiving altered reserve winners at most with small classes. Today she broke that streak, and showed her heart out garnering one point! She now has twenty four points and two majors. We hope to see her finish soon. |
Emilee HaynesI look forward to sharing "Fyrelight's Happenings" with anyone who cares to read. News
December 2016